Thursday, September 30, 2010

Speed is Relative

This is not about speed, by the way. I don't care about speed. Speed is for suckers. I'm going for distance, and endurance, and time measured in hours, and possibly days. A half marathon in half a day sounds good to me. As I used to tell my fire crew-mates who were amazed that I passed the "pack test" (the fitness test where you carry a 40 lb pack for 4 miles in under 45 minutes), I'm more of a mule than a racehorse. But not in that drug smuggling way.

Ever since I started running again last October, I told myself that I would be relaxed, and non-crazy, and listen to my body. And by gods, that's what I've been doing. If the body needs sleep, I sleep in instead of run. If the body needs yoga, I do yoga. If the body needs to walk instead of run for a while... you got it. Those are the same principles that Chi Running applies, in a more formal and well-thought-out way, and which I am practicing right now. Miss Nancy turned me on to the Chi Running last year, and I have to say it's done wonders for my lack of injuries, and relative endurance, so far. More on that later.

We have a training schedule for Team Challenge, but I haven't been keeping to it religiously. (just a little joke there, Coach Carrie and Coach Tim! ha ha! Seriously!) I've been listening more to my body than a piece of paper is what I'm saying. This morning, I ran about 3 miles in 35 minutes. Not bad, I guess, especially because by the mid-point my shoes were utterly soaked, and every step was marked by a distinct squishing sound. Also, I wasn't dressed warmly enough for the chilly morning, and the combo kinda killed my mojo. No excuses. I AM SLOW. AND PROUD.

Since I prefer to run on soft surfaces like grass, and am fortunate enough to live near a long greenway where I can do this, the grass is often still wet from the sprinklers first thing in the morning - and thus gooshy. A few months ago I came home from a run with those little tiny slugs all over my shoes. Ick! I pointed them out to my husband, who dryly remarked, "you musta been going really slow."

So much for his idea of using sex as a "recovery day" activity.

1 comment:

  1. "You must have been going really slow"!!!! Hahaha, that totally cracks me up. I'm proud of you Ms. Queen! You're doing something completely worthwhile and you're kicking ass. Love ya, babe!
