Friday, December 3, 2010

It Just Doesn't Matter

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I leave for Las Vegas. The next day, Sunday, I run this half-marathon, down the Strip. (gulp). Let's do this thing.
Whenever I'm feeling unprepared for an event, a contest of mental or physical skill, or dinner, I remember the rallying cry from one of my favorite all-time movies, "Meatballs." You know. When Camp North Star is up against the rich snots from Camp Mohawk in the championship softball game, Tripper (Bill Murray's character) leads them in the underdog opus chant, "It Just Doesn't Matter!" That sums up my attitude now.
I mean, in regards to my personal athletic performance, it just doesn't matter. I seriously doubt all the wonderful people who donated to this cause, of wiping out digestive diseases, will want their money back if I don't RUN every single mile. I'm sure they'll understand if my hip pain is too great to keep running, and I speed-walk instead for a good part of it. (right, lovely donors? Please say you don't mind).
With Bill Murray as my patron saint of team spirit, it's only natural that John Belushi is my spiritual mentor of physical fitness. I think this video speaks for itself.

His can-do attitude, especially while smoking a cigarette, is truly inspiring. In honor of him, I have eaten an entire package of little chocolate donuts... over the space of 3 days. Ok, maybe John wouldn't be so proud.

But I can get more- I can try harder! And I WILL!
In all seriousness though, the reason I'm not so worried about my physical conditioning/preparedness for this event is that I feel more than prepared emotionally, mentally, and yes spiritually. And that's because of all y'all and your generous support. I may not master the Chi Running anti-hip-pain form of "swinging like a chandelier" from your lumbar spine down in the next two days, and I may have continued hip pain as a result, but ya know what? It just doesn't matter.
I may have to walk or limp my way to the finish line instead of sprinting like I've imagined, but ya know what? It just doesn't matter. Thousands of Elvi weighed down by tens of pounds of gold lame and bling might pass me like I'm standing still but,
what friends? What did you say? That's right. It JUST DOESN'T MATTER. What matters is that together we raised a significant amount of money, and awareness, towards a cure for digestive diseases- all of which are stupid, debilitating sappers of human potential. And anything that saps human potential or cuts good lives short, in my opinion, has to go.
I will be thinking of all of you as I run (or walk) and you're invited to think of me too, Sunday morning, bright and early- go ahead and send me some more good vibes, and have a chocolate donut or six- on me. :)

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